Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Living Intentionally

Sunday the sermon addressed the admonition in Eph. 5:15 "Be very careful, then, how you live--not as unwise, but as wise, making the most of every opportunity..."  The pastor noted that "life is so daily"--we get so wrapped up in work, errands, household duties that we do not take time to consider the significance of each day, of each interaction with others.  He also shared that the Greek word used here for opportunity is kairos, which indicates time charged with potential or opportunity that must be siezed.  Do I see life as charged with potential?  When I realize the opportunity before me do I seize it?  I am guilty of plowing through life just looking at the next thing before me instead of seeing the opportunities God sets up all around me and responding.  Reading the paper Monday morning, I was confronted with the reality of this;  I read about the passing of a friend dealing with cancer.  I had thought of her often and prayed for her, but I had not called recently and now it is too late. I had the opportunity but did not seize it.  I grieve for her passing, for her family, though I know she is celebrating with the Savior.  I do not want to miss what God intends for me to be part of; I want to respond to the opportunities He places before me instead of merely reacting to the dayliness of life.  I need to listen carefully and stay close to Him. Oh, may I be intentional about living!

1 comment:

  1. Reminds me in some ways of the Prayer of Jabez to enlarge our tents. It's not the opportunities aren't there but we need the lenses to see them!
