Monday, August 5, 2013

A Perfect Summer Day

Birds begin to chirp and twitter in the pre-dawn morning light.  A light cool breeze gently drifts in the open window bringing a fresh scent of abundant foliage. No alarm, no pressing schedule to meet, just savoring the freedom of a summer day.  Although no alarm buzzes, I am eager to savor the delights of a long summer day.  Soon the sun is up. First thing after breakfast, we go for a walk through the neighborhood lined with mature trees observing the beauty in the variety of landscaping.  On the final leg of our walk we meander through the neighborhood park with an island in the small lake which various birds use for nesting and raising their young and a lily pond with a bridge over a waterfall. These daily walks provide ample opportunity to talk and enjoy each other's company uninterrupted.

When we reach home, we focus on taking care of the yard before the day warms up too much.  We start with picking raspberries requiring bending and searching for the ripe luscious berries that we enjoy on homemade yogurt or ice cream in addition to freezing enough to savor throughout the entire year. We water the flowers and garden noting the growing plants and produce. It is fun to see the progress we have made over the years in the yard that had nothing more than grass and several old trees on the perimeter when we moved in twenty years ago.  Now a tree in the center backyard provides ample shade and the fish pond adds serenity and a focal point surrounded by flower borders. Two trees in the front yard keep the house cool from the morning summer sun.  Flower beds hug the house in front and a berm with perennials, flowers in pots and bushes anchors the grass next to the street.

We enjoy lunch in the backyard under the tree in the center. With the vine covering the fence, the abundant shade, the pond and flowers, we have a secluded venue to visit and enjoy deviled eggs, homemade yogurt and fruit.  Even after school starts and I am back at work, we do lunch outside as long as the weather permits. During the heat of the afternoon, we find projects inside to work on.

After supper, I feed the fish, sprinkling their food on the surface of the pond, watching them hungrily nibbling till the surface is clear.  They swish and swirl around the water hyacinth that floats on the water and the tall grass spikes.  I enjoy sitting in my Adirondack chair savoring the beauty of the growing plants in the garden and flower beds.  The evenings usually cool off enough to open the windows before going to bed. Through the open window I listen to the crickets happily chirruping in the evening calm.  I love summer!

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